California State Senator
"Harvey Ryan and I sometimes may have different opinions. However one passion we share is we both care about our Community and Country!"
Elsinore High School Alumnus & Teacher
“Harvey Ryan will represent the Elsinore Valley because he has, and always will be, for everyone’s interest. His family represents what our community stands for; honesty, integrity, and a sense of family.”
57 Year Resident of Lake Elsinore, Current Member of Elsinore Valley Cemetery Board
“Harvey Ryan is my kind of candidate; what you see is what you get. I like that!”
Elsinore Aquatics Club, Elsinore High School Water Polo
“Harvey Ryan is a proven leader and longtime resident of the Elsinore Valley that tirelessly served and has proven his dedication to our community. Harvey has supported youth sports, STEM school projects, Special Olympics and a multitude of other groups that serve our community. As a local coach of a high school aquatics program and club aquatics program, I know that if an athlete is in need for anything Harvey will sponsor and support that child to achieve greatness. It is with my strong support I will endorse Harvey Ryan in his campaign for the Elsinore Water Board.”
US Representative (R-CA 42nd District) since 2013
Riverside County Supervisor
Local Business & Community Leader
Lake Elsinore City Council Woman
Long-time Community Member, Community Member Since 1975, LEUSD School Board Trustee, Retired Teacher
"Pagado por Harvey Ryan para Waterboard, ID del comité 1268767"